Chairperson Message

The primary aim of East West Group of Institutions (EWGI) is to impart a right career platform to every student to build their identities coherent with their chosen area of interest. The major goal of the institutions is to produce skilled brains rather than mere graduates. We believe in inculcating human values among students with along with their academic endeavors.
The hard earned responsibilities of colleges in our country are gradually mounting. It’s an uphill task to prepare young technocrats and managers to mitigate future challenges and ethics in the society are also to be pondered over. Keeping this in mind we have set up different group of institutions to provide student desired courses from time to time.
East West Group of Institutions is built upon moral standards. As a Chairperson, I truly feel proud that the institute has produced great scholars, philanthropists and notable Alumni across the globe. Today, the EWGI has surfaced into a fully grown up-to-date and has created a special podium for itself in the realm of academic life of the nation. Emergence of conscious thinking and pioneer knowledge approaches are moulding the educational setup into the new framework.
Along with academic activities, the EWGI promotes for research, consultancy services, extension activities, learning resource and students support. The institutional vision has been achieved through multiple dimensional strategic development and academic strength in the congenital educational environment. Having discovered that research is a supreme task of engineering and technology. Research Centers have been established in all the Programs with specially qualified and well experienced research team to oversee the research activities
EWIT welcomes all student community to zest the flavor of academics with their choice based programs and explore their life to the fullest.
God bless you all for your future endeavors.
Smt. Rashmiravikiran
Chairperson, EWGI